When I came to live in my wife's parents' house, I was excited every day by my colorful mother-in-law. but i can't do anything bad with my parents and children, even if i'm indebted to them... But as soon as I lived with her, my wife began to refuse the night's work, and my terrifying sexual desire had lost its place. I found my mother-in-law's underwear in the laundry placed in the bathhouse and took it for me. I smelled my mother-in-law and the lower half of my body shook in an instant. When she saw her mother-in-law, who was jealous of her life, she said that she was sorry and reached into my lower body when she told her relationship with her wife. My mother-in-law's mistress was exquisite, and I immediately fired her. After that, I could only see my mother-in-law's body.